Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Multi-Media Tips

Having looked at presentations by Bill Gates, Garr Reynolds and the like I see now where some, ok many, of my created-for-the-classroom presentations were way off. They were busy or distracting with graphics and transitions. However, what happens to middle school kids if all information is put onto the screen at one time? How do we still keep kids from reading ahead while still maintaining integrity under the tenants of CLT? Moreover, how does one know when it is appropriate to give note sheets? Does this not encourage kids to read ahead and not pay attention to the verbal message? Just some random thoughts and musings....

1 comment:

Scott Mooney said...

Your question about how to keep kids from reading ahead is an interesting one. I've often used slide animation, one line at a time with a simple fade in (NOT one of the more annoying or distracting fades), to control the user's access to new information until I was ready to provide it. I used this technique also when incorporating images onto slides. I would never put an image up first. If an image was there to support the message of the slide I would always provide the message first then use a fade in animation to show the image next. That would allow the students to concentrate on the message first, and then, only after the students had time to digest the message, would I show the image.

As for note sheets, they are indespensable (sp?), especially for students with special needs or other special learning interests. And, as part of a differentiated strategy that I didn't even know I was doing at the time, I used to give all kids a printed copy of the slide so they didn't have to write everything down. The kids who would otherwise be copying everything down would be able to concentrate on spoken material and the kids who wouldn't bother with writing anything would at least have my copy of the presentation.

It made me feel better at least.