Monday, July 21, 2008

i3U conference Day 1

The HCPSS just provided a great opportunity for teachers to stretch their minds regarding technology and teaching. The keynote for this conference was Will Richardson. He opened with a few stories and ended with a challenge. In the end, he rather threw down the gauntlet as far as integrating technology. I was also lucky enough to attend his workshop today on literacy. He has me convinced to try twitter to get class going this year as I am teaching a class (US History) out of content. I am thinking about using twitter to get ideas from the weblogging world. In the past at workshops like MICCA, WR convinced my to try blogs and wikis in my science teaching. Guess what!? Kids loved it! It is a practice that I plan to continue. From WR, I also learned about the location widget that you now see on this page. Thanks Will!

BTW...I WR also autograph my copy of his book...I me a geek.

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